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Irrigation is one of the most important cultural practices that we do for our lawns. Since water is a limited resource and is vital to the health of your lawn, it is very important that watering be done correctly and there are some critical components to understanding how to irrigate correctly.


Knowing the amount of water your sprinkler system applies to your landscape is an important step in efficient water use. Most people irrigate their landscape for a given number of minutes without knowing how much water they are really applying. This may lead to over- or under-watering, neither of which will benefit the landscape nor the environment. Calibrating will help you to apply the correct amount of water to  your landscape. Whether you have an in-ground system or a hose and a sprinkler, the following steps will calibrate your system.


Many homeowners irrigate their lawn incorrectly. Overwatering is the most common mistake, it can damage or even kill the lawn. Overwatering leads to a shallow root system; increases a lawn's vulnerability to weeds, insects, and diseases; reduces drought tolerance; increases thatch; encourages excessive growth; and reduces tolerance for environmental stress.

Letting you lawn "tell you when to water" means turning your irrigation system to "off" and operating it only when your lawn shows signs of drought stress.

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